Heroku Troubleshooting

June 15th, 2013  |  Published in mobile apps

I’m getting an error trying to push to Heroku using Ruby 1.9.3 on Rails 3.2.13 and found some instructions on how to try to fix the issue, but not sure how to implement.

Error Message: We’re sorry, but something went wrong.

Possible Troubleshoot:

Yay, saved the day, Karan! Just had to change the url in the .git/config into the [remote “heroku”] section before rerunning git push heroku master and heroku run rake db:migrate… – Adriano P Nov 25 ’12 at 3:55 (source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10067359/heroku-were-sorry-but-something-went-wrong-due-to-javascript-include-tag)

If you know can offer some support on running this line, I’d appreciate a ping or email: [email protected]



Aussie Mobile App Studies

April 1st, 2013  |  Published in health, mobile apps

Anyone know why there are so many mobile app studies that focus on teen sexual health out of Australia (and few in other places)?


Software Disclaimers

February 3rd, 2013  |  Published in health, legal, software developemnt  |  2 Comments

Not specific to the mobile environment here, but anyone have experience, know of a good template, or have other advice regarding disclaimers for software application that provides health advice?

App stores, Apple developer account, and other production stuff

February 3rd, 2013  |  Published in android, iOS, mobile apps, native apps, software developemnt  |  2 Comments

I’m working on an app. Anyone else here experienced, or doing the same and willing to talk more about the technical and other issues of mobile app deployment?

Cellphones Reshape Prostitution in India!

December 3rd, 2012  |  Published in Uncategorized

Everything is changing under the new techno umbrella of digital world. How one of the oldest professions (i guess oldest?) can remain immune. This is really great article in NYTimes I would like to share here. The place is hardly one mile from my medical school in Mumbai.  I wish I ever  get chance to do some qualitative research and interviews here.

Many of prostitutes in this area hails from Poor north east area, Bengal , Nepal and Bangladesh. I think almost all of them might chose this profession to counter the menace of poverty. Anyway enjoy this great piece by Gardinier Harris.


Click :  NYTIMES

New app development API – Human.io

August 16th, 2012  |  Published in mobile apps, software developemnt

Last week I came across a tweet by Gloan Levin singing the praises of human.io, a new cross platform mobile development package with a python API and had to check it out.  In addition to enabling the devlopent of a fully functional mobile app in less than 100 lines of code, there are examples specific to thier tool, and  other resources.   Quite neat!

JHSPH Article on mHealth

March 21st, 2012  |  Published in Uncategorized  |  1 Comment

Thought this would be relevant to the group – from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

mHealth – Can You Hear Me Now?

Mobile Technology and Health, mHealth

December 8th, 2011  |  Published in Uncategorized  |  1 Comment

One of the areas that’s quickly taking off is the intersection of mobile technology and health, or “mHealth.” Despite the cringe-worthy lower case-m before words, I find a lot going on here is really compelling.

For example, this blog post, has some terrific, short videos from the recent mHealth Summit.  The concept with the videos is a little like Story Corps.  James BonTempo and Linda Raftree (supported by Plan International USA and MCHIP via USAID) co-hosted the “mHealth Reality Booth,” which they hoped would offer some mHealth practitioner insights from folks working on the ground and implementing mHealth programs in some of the less cushy environments.

I sort of love this insight (#7):  “If your paper form is crap, your mobile data collection form will also be crap.”

Yes, indeed. Just making something a “mobile app” doesn’t auto-magically make it valuable.


December 8th, 2011  |  Published in Uncategorized

So glad to see people joining up with the Mobile Technology Research group! I’ve been doing some research related to use of mobile phones by LGBTQ youth of color, including some who are homeless. I’m particularly interested in the sociological implications of this use of mobile technology (i.e., how are the digital and material imbricated), and I’m also interested in the public health implications (i.e., is it possible to use mobile technology to connect people to services, possible even to develop a mobile mental health app?).

Those are just my some of my mobile technology research interests. I envision this blog as a place where any one in the group can post about their own work, or others, or related research that they run across.

I look forward to hearing what other folks are working on or interested in and getting a lively discussion started.

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